Hebrew Songs for Choir a-Cappella
שירים עבריים בעיבודים למקהלה א-קפלה
"Take Me Under Your Wings" (הכניסיני תחת כנפך) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text by H. N. Bialik | Traditional folk tune
Bertini Choir | Conductor: Ronen Borshevsky | Solo: Natan Levin (April 2024)
"Song of the Valley" (שיר העמק) for mixed choir a-cappella:
Text by Natan Alterman | Music by Daniel Sambursky
The New Vocal Ensemble | Conductor: Yuval Ben Ozer
The Jerusalem Academy Chamber Choir | Conductor: Stanley Sperber
"En-Gedi" (עין-גדי) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text by Eitan Peretz | Music by Dov Aharoni
The New Vocal Ensemble | Conductor: Yuval Ben Ozer
"Uzziah Built Towers" (ויבן עזיהו) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text from the Book of Chronicles 2 | Music by Yohanan Zarai
The Jerusalem Academy Chamber Choir | Conductor: Stanley Sperber
"If I Forget Thee" (אם אשכחך) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text by Menachem Mendel Dolitzki | Music by Heyman Cohen
"Adi" Choir | Conductor: Yishai Steckler
This song is, to me, one of the most beautiful songs written about Jerusalem (Zion). It evokes in me an unexplained palpitation, which made the commission of the Jerusalem Music Center to arrange it for “Adi” choir, an exceptionally exciting commission.
The melodic line delicately and expressively captures the longing, yearning and love of the exiled Jewish people to its beloved Zion. The harmonic potential of the melody allows for a versatile treatment, both tonal and modal, and indeed I tried to emphasize this opulence in my arrangement. The use of various harmonic traditions also symbolizes the ancient longing for Jerusalem, on all its historical layers through the generations.
"There Were Nights" (היו לילות) for women's (or children's) choir a-cappella
Text by Yaakov Orland | Music by Mordechai Zeira
"Moran" Children's Choir | Conductor: Naomi Faran
"The Flute" (החליל) for mixed choir a-cappella:
Text by Leah Goldberg |Music by David Zehavi
The VOCAL Singers
"I Shall Tank My Lord My Redeemer" (אודה לאלי) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text from Yemenite Diwan | Traditional Yemenite folk song
The VOCAL Singers
"Autumn's Wind" (רוח סתיו) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text by Yekhiel Mohar | Music by Yohanan Zarai
The VOCAL Singers
"My Field" (שדמתי) for mixed choir a-cappella
Text by Yitzhak Shenhar | Music by Yedidia Admon
See also an arrangement for voice and piano.